Safety Procedures in Electricity

The five steps of padlocking

First step: Disconnection

• Switch disconnector

• Sockets

• Withdraw fuse

• Plug devices

• Control, protesting devices

Second step: Equipment lock

• Label and lock device

• On LV equipment, Board with « Equipment lockout – Don not Manoeuvre »

Third step: identification

• Identify the place of the equipment

• Reading charts and circuit diagram

• Reading of labels and board

• Visual identification

Fourth step: Voltage checking

• The voltage checking is carried out close to the working place

• The earthing and short circuiting should be done on both part of the circuit.

AdviceThe earthing and short circuiting are not mandatory in LV except:

• In case of induction voltage

• A risk of supply or with long cables.

Firth step: Mark the Working place

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