Earthing system TN and IT, design

Choice of earthing systems and conclusion

The three earthing systems used world-wide and standardised by IEC 364 have as their common goal the search for enhanced safety.

Regarding protection of people, all 3 earthing systems are equivalent provided that installation and operation rules are complied with.

Given the characteristics specific to each earthing system, a systematic choice each time is not possible.

The choice must result from discussion between the user and the network designer (contractor engineering and design department, etc.) concerning:

  • The installation characteristics;

  • The operating conditions and requirements.

It is an illusion to want to operate an unearthed neutral network in part of an installation that, by nature, has a low insulation level (a few thousand ohms); old, extensive installations with external lines...

Likewise, it would be contradictory, in an industry in which continuity of supply or productivity is a prime requirement and in which the fire hazard is great, to choose a neutral connection system.

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