Safety Procedures in Electricity

Work Definition

DefinitionNon electrician B0 / H0 or H0V

The holder can access to the electrical room without supervision and execute or manage no electrical tasks such as painting, cleaning...

DefinitionEmployee in charge of the cleaning under voltage (N)

Employee managing or doing cleaning work under voltage.

DefinitionElectrician executant B1 / H1 or B1V / H1V

Employee that works as electrician and who is following instruction. He is aware of its security.

• He can access to the electric room without authorization.

• He can perform work and Operation near live parts.

• He can perform measurement with clampmeter

• He is working in team under the supervision of the Responsible for electrical work (B or H2) or Responsible of Intervention (BR)

• The holder of B1V or H1V can work in vicinity.

DefinitionResponsible in charge of the electric work (B2 / H2 – B2V / H2V)

The holder of the B2 or H2 manages the work and the tasks and takes all actions to ensure its security and the security of people under its supervision.

• He is responsible of the execution of its security order.

• It can receive an acknowledgment of lockout and sign it

• The older is also 0 and 1

• The holder of B2V or H2V can work in vicinity.

DefinitionResponsible in charge of the lockout (BC / HC)

The holder of a BC is performing the Power disconnection of equipment by opening a switch disconnector and locks it with proper lock. He takes all action to guaranty the safety and security. • He has to have the agreement from the Responsible of site • He executes the four steps of the lockout or only the two first. In this case, the last two steps are done by the Responsible in charge of the electric work. • The BC or HC Electrical Authorisation doesn't allow the holder to supervise the security.

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