1-Electricity standards and rules

2.1. Light circuit

DefinitionAccording to the standards:

  • The light circuit has to contain 10 points maximum with a total power of 800 W maximum.

  • A minimum of two light circuits shall be provided.

  • An protection conductor shall be provide on each light outlet and connected to the ground

  • Illumination level shall be in accordance to the standard table in the file “ID Illumination.pdf”

  • A switch shall be provided near to the normal entrance at 1.3 m above the floor level.

  • On kitchen, the light shall be placed in order to illuminate the working surface

  • In bed room, some light shall be controlled from the bed location.

  • For bathroom, use of celling outlet and the switch shall be outside.

  • Switch installed outdoor shall be waterproof (IP 55)

ID Illumination.pdf

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