Second test of the SENAR Application at SMKN 4 bandung

by Co-Director - 29 December 2022

This month, we had an opportunity to conduct a second test on the digital learning innovation based on augmented reality application in another SMK in Bandung!

In this activity, teachers actively participated and helped the students to understand more about learning in the fields of electricity, automation and renewable energy.

During the experiment, we got a very positive response not only from the students but from the teachers as well. The teachers were amazed of this development of technology, especially in augmented reality. This learning innovation could enhance students’ motivation and facilitate students to practice learning wherever and whenever.

Many thanks to all of teachers and students from SMK Negeri 4 Bandung for the management and the warm welcome.

We are very delighted to work with Schneider Electric France and SENAR to drive innovation in education.

We can’t wait to do another test at other schools!

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