Visit to Schneider Electric Cikarang Factory with the French Delegation

by Co-Director - 17 December 2024

The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy was very delighted to have another opportunity to visit Schneider Electric Cikarang Factory with a delegation of 6 French experts from PlastiCampus Plasticampus Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications & Campus des métiers et des qualifications Microtechniques et Systèmes Intelligents and also with our students internships.

The objective of the visit was to discuss about the skills and competency needed in the company, the virtual and augmented reality solutions and also the cooperation between private and sector public.

In this occasion, our students internship had the opportunity to present a milestone of their work on the digitalization of training with XR OA software, named EnergyLab this time.

Thank you for the warm welcome!

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