The Cooperation Between The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy and Schneider Electric Indonesia

by Co-Director - 29 September 2022

📢📢 Calling all CoE SMK in Surabaya! 📢📢

(EN) Schneider Electric Indonesia open up the opportunity for SMK CoE to collaboration in conducting tree planting activities donated by our company employees as an action #GreenHeroesforLife. 🌱🌱🌱

Further information regarding the conditions, how to register and the implementation of the activity can be seen on the attached poster above. We look forward to your participation! 🎉🎉


If you have any further questions, please contact :

Aswita -

Samantha -

Lisa -


📢📢 Memanggil semua SMK CoE di Surabaya! 📢📢

(ID) Schneider Electric Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi SMK CoE untuk berkolaborasi dalam melakukan kegiatan penanaman pohon donasi dari karyawan perusahaan kami sebagai aksi #GreenHeroesforLife. 🌱🌱🌱

Informasi lebih lanjut terkait ketentuan, cara mendaftar, dan pelaksanaan kegiatan dapat dilihat pada poster terlampir diatas. Kami tunggu partisipasinya!🎉🎉


Apabila ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, bisa menghubungi :

Aswita -

Samantha -

Lisa -

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