Education Ministry Collaborates with Schneider Electric in Establishing Centre of Excellence

by Co-Director - 18 December 2019

Schneider Electric, as a global company in the digital transformation of energy management and transformation, collaborated with the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to establish the Centre of Excellence in Electricity, Automation, and Renewable Energy. The Expert Staff of the Ministry of Education and Culture in the field of Innovation and Competitiveness, Ananto Kusuma Seta, said that the launch was a follow-up action program for the cooperation agreement between the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, French Schneider Electric Foundation, and PT Schneider Indonesia.

"This collaboration is a form of revitalization of vocational schools in supporting national electricity development. It also supports Making Indonesia 4.0 agenda," Ananto said at the launch of the Center for Excellence in Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy, in written statement that NNC received on Friday (9/14/2018).The centre of excellence was launched by Ananto at the Center for Educational Development and Empowerment and Education Personnel in the Field of Machinery and Industrial Engineering (P4TK BMTI), Cimahi, West Java.

The Centre of Excellence is a training of Trainers (ToT) training center for Vocational School (SMK) teachers and education personnel whose programs are designed according to international standards and connect academics to the needs and applications in the industrial world. The training focus is on energy management, building automation, industrial automation, building installation and renewable energy. A total of 240 teachers and heads of SMK laboratories will receive training and it is targeted 10,800 vocational students ready to work in the next five years. Trainers will be led by French electricity experts. The training curriculum will be integrated into the Indonesian National Competency Standards. Before attending the training, said Ananto, the teachers followed the selection with some criteria, first the teachers taught the fields of electricity, automation, and renewable energy; second teachers have the ability to speak English.

"The teachers are also seen with their English language skills, lest during training they cannot absorb the lessons because they are unable to communicate properly. Then the selection is seen in the teacher's character," Ananto explained. Not only providing training, Schneider Electric and the Ministry of Education and Culture will also revitalize laboratory facilities gradually in 184 Vocational Schools throughout Indonesia until 2022. Teachers and education personnel who have been trained will return to their respective Vocational Schools to train their students with the same equipment and curriculum with those obtained at the center of excellence.

"Revitalization of vocational secondary schools in the field of quality improvement and competitiveness of resources, as stipulated in Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2016, is an important aspect to creating and preparing young workers who are skilled in seizing the opportunities of industry 4.0 and facing global labor competition," explained Ananto.

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024