GFA Group's visit

by Co-Director - 16 December 2021

A total of 4 people from GFA Consulting Group mandated by Swiss Embassy were received by Mr. Tubagus as Head of the Electricity Department of BBPMPPV BMTI and the team along with Mr. Manuel as Co-director of CoE EARE. This visit was in order to survey the place for the Training of Trainers on December 16, 2021. The group was led by Martin Stottele, as the Team Leader for Renewable Energy Skills Development (RESD). The RESD team has plans to implement a solar and hydro training curriculum for polytechnic level and non-formal training. The team talked with BMTI and CoE about the training plan and the possibility of cooperation. The event was continued by visiting the CoE laboratory to see the availability of facilities for training and projects that CoE was working on. The group then visited the BMTI dormitory facilities and equipment in the Department of Renewable Energy Engineering (TET) guided by Mr. Irfan as the Head of the Department.

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024

Visit from SMKN 1 Banyuasin III, Palembang

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by Co-Director
17 December 2024

Recruitment Test by Schneider Electric Cikarang

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024