Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2023

by Co-Director - 18 December 2024

Last week, team had a pleasure week on Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2023 at Kempinski Hotels Grand Ballroom, Jakarta, organized by GIZ Indonesia & ASEAN, CASE for Southeast Asia & Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR).

Through this event, we obtained aspirations from several stakeholders regarding the energy transition to achieve “Indonesia Emas 2045” (Golden Indonesia 2045).
As a part of it, we need to be a game changer which aims to accelerate the energy transition. None of us, ever do great things alone. Therefore, we need to collaborate with other stakeholders to achieve the goals and ideals of Indonesia in the future.

We would like to thank to Aswita W. Saragih for sharing our project. It was a great pleasure to engage with some stakeholders!

Thank you Catoer Wibowo, Dr. Dadang Kurnia & Dintani Naimah for inviting us to this insightful event!

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024

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