Ministry of Manpower visit with Schneider Electric Indonesia at CoE EARE

by Co-Director - 21 February 2022

On Friday, February 18, 2022, Schneider Electric Indonesia invited a team from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia to visit the Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy in Cimahi. This visit aims to review the infrastructure for competency development training in the solar energy sector. On this occasion, the group observed firsthand the Advanced Solar Energy ToT (Training of Trainer) training process with trainees who were instructors from Vocational Training Centers (BLK) from various regions in Indonesia, which was initiated by GFA Consulting Group RESD (Renewable Energy Skills Development). The training session on that day was the installation, operation and maintenance of a Rooftop type Solar Power Plant (PLTS) with a Solar Home System scheme. After this visit, it is hoped that it will open up opportunities for wider collaboration between the Ministry of Manpower and Schneider Electric through the Centre of Excellence.

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This week, The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy received a visit from Shikoku Nae hanbai Corp., UPTD Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Kejuruan (BPPK) Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan and Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN Suska Riau). In order to develop competency assessment and laboratories, they intend to conduct comparative study visit on electricity, automation and renewable energy. This visit was supervised by our Master Trainer, Mr. Didi Kurniadi. In this occasion, he showed all Schneider Electric equipment and also explained the utility of the equipments. He gave a presentation related to the all of material and continued with a question and answer discussion session. Thank you for your visit, hope you enjoy it!

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