Kunjungan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan bersama Schneider Electric Indonesia di CoE EARE

by Co-Director - 21 February 2022
Pada hari Jumat tanggal 18 Februari 2022, Schneider Electric Indonesia mengundang tim dari Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia untuk berkunjung ke Pusat Keunggulan Bidang Listrik, Otomasi dan Energi Terbarukan di Cimahi. Kunjungan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau prasarana pelatihan pengembangan kompetensi di bidang tenaga surya. Pada kesempatan ini, rombongan mengamati secara langsung proses pelatihan ToT (Training of Trainer) Advanced Solar Energy dengan peserta merupakan instruktur Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yang digagas oleh GFA Consulting Group RESD (Renewable Energy Skills Development). Sesi pelatihan pada hari tsb adalah pemasangan, pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) tipe Rooftop dengan skema Solar Home System. Setelah kunjungan ini, diharapkan dapat membuka peluang kerja sama lebih luas antara Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dengan Schneider Electric melalui Centre of Excellence EARE.

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024

MoU between Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant & SMKN 2 Bawang

CoE EARE is delighted to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant and one of CoE's SMKs, SMKN 2 Bawang. This partnership represents a successful collaboration between industry and vocational schools. The aim of the partnership is to increase employee engagement through student internships, employment opportunities and on-the-job training for teachers. In terms of education, we organise seminars or sharing sessions with experts and we establish links with the curriculum, so that teachers and students can familiarise themselves with Schneider Electric's tools and standards of work (SOPs). As a result, they will be better prepared to work in SE.

by Co-Director
18 December 2024

ITB Student at CoE EARE for EnergyLab

The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy is pleased to welcome Michael Suhendra, an Indonesian engineering student from the Institut Teknologi Bandung, for a 6-month internship from February to August 2023. As part of this internship programme, he will work on the Energy Lab project. This project is a continuation of a previous project called XR Operator Advisor project which allows us to manipulate Schneider Electric equipment with augmented reality technology. The idea of the project is to provide a virtual reality assembly guide for newly employed operators in the Schneider Electric plant in Cikarang. As part of this project, we had the opportunity to visit the Schneider Electric plant in Cikarang again, in order to establish the precise objectives of the study. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Joko Sutopo and his team for the warm welcome they have always given us and we look forward to working with them again.

by Co-Director
17 December 2024