MoU between Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant & SMKN 2 Bawang

by Co-Director - 18 December 2024

CoE EARE is delighted to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant and one of CoE's SMKs, SMKN 2 Bawang.

This partnership represents a successful collaboration between industry and vocational schools.

The aim of the partnership is to increase employee engagement through student internships, employment opportunities and on-the-job training for teachers. In terms of education, we organise seminars or sharing sessions with experts and we establish links with the curriculum, so that teachers and students can familiarise themselves with Schneider Electric's tools and standards of work (SOPs). As a result, they will be better prepared to work in SE.

By signing this agreement, we aim to reduce unemployment and support the global transition to a more sustainable future.

CoE EARE would like to thank all the colleagues present and behind the scenes who made the SMKN 2 Bawang - Schneider Electric Cikarang partnership a success! Rudy GRANET, Juni Wulandari, siti nurmazidah, Heru Syahirul Alim & sumarno lv

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