Signing Ceremony between Indonesian Ministry of Education and CMQ Civil Engineering and Eco-construction

by Co-Director - 29 March 2023

We are pleased to announce the signing of a cooperation agreement in the form of a Technical Arrangement with the Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications génie civil et éco-construction en milieu tropical La Réunion.

This agreement was signed on the one hand by the Director of Campus Eco-Construction et Numérique, Mr. Jean-Marc SPAMPANI. On other hand, by the Secretary Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Mr. Saryadi Guyatno.

This event, moderated by Mrs. Cathrien Tobing, Deputy Head of Educational Cooperation of the French Embassy in Indonesia, was held with the valuable interventions of :
Mr. Stephane Delaporte, Deputy Head of the Asia, Pacific, Africa and Francophonie Department of the Ministry of National Education and Youth,
Mr. Antoine Bricout, Educational Cooperation Attaché of the French Embassy,
Mrs. Marjorie COSTE, Regional Delegation for International Cooperation, La Réunion Island,
Mr. Jean-Marc SPAMPANI, Director of the Campus,
Mr. Supriyono, Head of BBPPMPV BMTI Kemdikbud, 
Mr. Saryadi Guyatno, Secretary General Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia

The CoE EARE co-director, Mr. Manuel AZIBI, concluded the meeting, presenting an ambitious programme for both parties in terms of mobility, training and joint action.

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