SMK PK Visit in Riau

by Co-Director - 8 December 2021

In the context of supervising the SMK Center of Excellence (SMK PK) program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Co-director of CoE EARE, Manuel Azibi together with the Head of the Electricity Department of BBPMPPV BMTI, Tubagus Kurniawan, had the opportunity to visit two vocational schools in Riau province on December 7, 2021. At 9 am, the group arrived at SMK Negeri 1 Minas and was greeted by the school, which was followed by a visit to the laboratory building. Mr. Manuel and Mr. Tubagus checked the condition of the building and the Schneider equipment received. On this occasion, they talked with the principal and the teaching team about the learning process at the school. After the lunch break, the visit continued to SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru with the same agenda as the previous school. With this supervision, it is expected to be able to review the implementation of the SMK PK program by observing laboratory buildings and their teaching equipment and get opinions from teachers and students directly.

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