Visit from HP Indonesia

by Co-Director - 17 December 2024

The Co-Director of the Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy, Manuel AZIBI, had the opportunity to meet with the Head of Staff, Strategy and Business Planning Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan HP Indonesia, Florence Lim Lai at our offices on 22 September 2022. The purpose of this visit was to present our projects, observe our laboratory equipment and discuss the opportunity for future cooperation between CoE EARE and HP Indonesia.

On this occasion, HP Education presented its products and solutions for innovation in teaching and learning. It was also an opportunity to showcase our work in augmented and virtual reality as part of our skills dissemination projects in all 34 provinces of Indonesia.

Thank you to the HP Indonesia team for visiting us. We look forward to future collaborations!

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by Co-Director
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by Co-Director
17 December 2024

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024