Visit from SMKN 1 Cirebon, Jawa Barat

by Co-Director - 17 December 2024

It was an honor for Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy received a visit from teachers from SMKN 1 Cirebon, Jawa Barat at our office located in BBPPMPV BMTI Kemdikbud, Friday (07/10/2022). The visit was received by Mr. Tatang Sukendar as the Master Trainer and the CoE EARE’s team. In this occasion, as usual we presented our facilites and laboratories in order to show and explain the utility of our equipment. The presentation was interesting and the teachers were amazed to see all this sophisticated equipment. Actually, SMKN 1 Cirebon is one of our equipped schools in the field of industrial automation. The purpose of the visit was to observe the equipment of the CoE EARE laboratories. Through this visit, we hoped that we could conduct other collaborations in other fields.

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Final Presentation of XR Operator Advisor Project

For almost 4 months, Cédric Hénon, French intern from ESIROI [École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Réunion Océan Indien], has been interning at Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy. In the 4th week of August, he had the opportunity to do his internship at Schneider Electric Indonesia's Head Office in Jakarta for a week. On 25 August 2022, the intern made a final presentation of the XR Operator Advisor project. We would like to thank Roberto Rossi and Astri Ramayanti Dharmawan for attending the final presentation. The XR OA project was initiated by Marie Castella (Innovative & Inclusive Training Lead from Schneider Electric France), supervised by Manuel AZIBI (Co-Director of CoE EARE) and supported by Aswita W. Saragih (Education Business Development from Schneider Electric Indonesia). We hope that this innovative project, which aims to test the use of XR OA software in education, will help learners in the future. Cédric Hénon is almost at the end of his internship. We would like to thank him for his hard work and we wish him all the best for his next steps !

by Co-Director
17 December 2024

Kunjungan GIZ

GIZ mengadakan kunjungan ke Centre of Excellence EARE pada Jumat, 17 Desember 2021 dalam rangka diskusi kurikulum Pelatihan Energi Terbarukan, khususnya tenaga surya.

by Co-Director
19 December 2021

Visit from Shikoku Nae hanbai Corp., UPTD Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Kejuruan (BPPK) Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan and Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN Suska Riau)

This week, The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy received a visit from Shikoku Nae hanbai Corp., UPTD Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Kejuruan (BPPK) Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan and Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN Suska Riau). In order to develop competency assessment and laboratories, they intend to conduct comparative study visit on electricity, automation and renewable energy. This visit was supervised by our Master Trainer, Mr. Didi Kurniadi. In this occasion, he showed all Schneider Electric equipment and also explained the utility of the equipments. He gave a presentation related to the all of material and continued with a question and answer discussion session. Thank you for your visit, hope you enjoy it!

by Co-Director
17 December 2024