French Ambassador’s Visit at CoE EARE Bandung

by Co-Director - 17 November 2021

On November 3rd 2021, Mr. Olivier Chambard as the French ambassador to Indonesia, visited our premises at Campus BBPPMPV BMTI Jl. Pesantren KM. 2, Cibabat, Cimahi Utara. This visit aims to observe the trainings held by Center of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy. Director of SMK (vocational high school), Dr. Drs. Wardani Sugiyanto, M.Pd., Head of BBPPMPV BMTI, Supriyono, M.Si., Representative of Schneider Electric, Ratri Wuryandari and Director of Institut Français Indonesia (IFI) Bandung, Aude-Emeline Loriot-Nurbianto also attended this event. In his remarks, Mr. Chambard expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the training aimed at developing the quality of education in Indonesia which has reached 90 SMK equipped with our materials. He congratulated the relevant parties on this achievement and has plans to expand this establishment with AOA software and Senar application proposed by Schneider Electric. This development will be handled by the French expert and Co-director of CoE EARE, Mr. Manuel Azibi. On this occasion, the Ambassador showed his interest in the creation of a new Center of Excellence in the maritime sector. On the other hand, the director of SMK, Mr. Wardani Sugiyanto, expressed his gratitude to the French Ministry of National Education and Schneider of their good cooperation with Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

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