French Intern at CoE EARE for EcoStruxure XR Operator Advisor Project

by Co-Director - 13 May 2022

Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy is pleased to welcome Cédric Hénon, a French engineering student from ESIROI (Reunion Island Indian Ocean Engineering School) for a 4 months internship from May to early September 2022 for the EcoStruxure XR Operator Advisor project. EcoStruxure Xtended Reality Operator Advisor is a software that allows us to manipulate Schneider Electric equipment with Augmented Reality technology. The idea of the project is to guide vocational school (SMK) teachers to use the Schneider equipment received in their school. With the help of the intern, we would like to model the Renewable Energy equipment using EcoStruxure XR Operator Advisor and elaborate a teaching scenario for SMK teachers on how to use the equipment in learning. This project is part of the international collaboration between CoE EARE, BBPPMPV BMTI Kemdikbud and CMQ Civil Engineering and Green Building in Tropical Environment (CMQ Génie civil et Éco-construction en milieu tropical) La Réunion, France.

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by Co-Director
17 December 2024

French Delegation from CMQ Réunion Island and Academy of Réunion Island

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024

Industrial Automation Training Batch 1 in 2022

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by Co-Director
22 June 2022