Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy participated in Gelar Vokasi (Indonesian Vocational Education Exhibition) 2022, organized by BBPPMPV BMTI Kemdikbud. Many vocational high schools (SMK) and companies participated in the event to show their innovative products. The aim of the event is to present the collaboration between vocational education and industry. On this occasion, CoE EARE showed to the public the innovation of learning with virtual and augmented reality. Our intern, Cédric Hénon, showed to the visitors how to use EcoStruxure application from Schneider Electric to control the AOA panel. We also had the opportunity to present the SENAR project and the EcoStruxure XR Operator Advisor project that the intern did. These learning innovations which are still in the development phase, aroused a lot of interest from visitors who were students, teachers, government and other companies.