GIZ's visit

by Co-Director - 19 December 2021

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH or commonly known as GIZ paid a visit to the EARE Center of Excellence on Friday, December 17, 2021. The group of 3 people was welcomed by Mr. Tubagus as Head of the Electricity Department of BBPMPPV BMTI and one of the Master Trainers. This visit was in order to discuss the curriculum for Renewable Energy Training, especially solar energy which was held by GIZ at the Job Training Center (BLK) Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. GIZ hopes to get inspiration about the practical activities carried out by CoE EARE with Schneider equipment. This discussion was followed by a review of the Renewable Energy laboratory to observe existing equipment with practices that could be implemented to complement their training curriculum.

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Release of Retired Staff in the CoE EARE

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