Opening of Renewable Energy Training for Polytechnic Lecturers supported by GFA Group

by Co-Director - 31 January 2022

Following a visit from the GFA Group RESD (Renewable Energy Skills Development) team which received a mandate from the Swiss Government on December 16 at CoE EARE, GFA Group decided to work closely with CoE EARE to conduct training for Polytechnic lecturers and instructors for the Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) in the field of Renewable Energy. The 1st Batch opened on January 31, 2022 for 12 lecturers from 6 different Polytechnics. They took part in renewable energy training for basic level solar energy which lasted 2 weeks from January 31, 2022 to February 11, 2022. The opening ceremony took place at the BBPMPPV BMTI Multipurpose Building and was held in a hybrid manner by inviting Mr. Beny Bandanadjaja as the Academic Director of Vocational Higher Education (Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi) - Ministry of Education and Culture, via Zoom to officially open the training. This training was held in the framework of cooperation between Indonesia and Switzerland to improve the competence of human resources in the development of Renewable Energy programs in Indonesia.

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17 December 2024

Visit from New Caledonia Delegation

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