Presentation Session on the French Education System and Learning Models for Vocational Education by Manuel Azibi

by Co-Director - 4 February 2022

In addition to participating in technical material about solar panels, the training participants from the GFA Group also received material about learning. In one of the training sessions, French Experts and Co-Director of CoE EARE, Manuel Azibi, who was delegated by France Education International, had the opportunity to present the Center of Excellence project which is a collaboration between Indonesia, France and Schneider Electric to improve the competence of SMK teachers in Indonesia. Apart from that, the French education system was also introduced on this occasion and he provided some insights about pedagogical approaches to vocational education. The training participants who are Politeknik lecturers were very enthusiastic to know the learning system for vocational education in France. Manuel also demonstrated a virtual reality project (SENAR) with modeling Schneider Electric equipment for learning innovations that is still in development stage. It is hoped that this year, CoE EARE can conduct research on 600 students in 20 different SMK throughout Indonesia to test the implementation of this application in the learning process for SMK students.

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Visit from SMKN 1 Banyuasin III, Palembang

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by Co-Director
17 December 2024

Visit from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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by Co-Director
17 December 2024