6 vocational schools become regional center of excellence (RCoE)

by Co-Director - 18 December 2024

6 vocational schools become regional center of excellence (RCoE)

Of the 144 vocational high schools equipped by our project, some are becoming Regional Centres of Excellence (RCoE).
Last month, 6 new schools became RCoEs:
- SMKN 2 Kendal
- SMKN 4 Lebong
- SMKN 1 Cirebon
- SMKN 2 Samarinda
- SMKN 2 Bawang
- SMKN 2 Tebing Tinggi
As a result of these new RCoE, who have just received a week's additional training, we hope to continue providing skills in Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy to many neighbouring high schools.
All this training is based on Schneider Electric equipment received during the various phases of the project.

We would like to thank our master trainers, Pak Tubagus Kurniawan and Pak Didi Kurniadi, for these 6 high quality on-site trainings.

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