Recruitment Test by Schneider Electric Cikarang

by Co-Director - 18 December 2024

Schneider Electric Cikarang Factory Plant conducted a recruitment test in some schools. The recruitment test process is conducted online and offline. On one hand, we held an offline recruitment test in SMKN 26 Jakarta, SMKM 1 Cikarang Selatan and SMKN 1 Adiwerna Tegal. On the other hand, we held an online recruitment test in SMKN 1 Cirebon. This recruitment test, which aim to help SMK students to obtain a job at Schneider Electric for the position of production operator and final quality control, awakening a lot of interest from the students.

Related to the CoE program, we provide on the job training (OJT) to teachers at Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant, which aim to link and match the curriculum so that teachers can be more familiar with the tools and working standars (SOP) at Schneider Electric. Therefore, students can be better prepared to work in SE.

We would like to thank to Schneider Electric Cikarang Factory Plant team siti nurmazidah, sumarno lv, Joko Sutopo, Rudy GRANET for sharing this useful information!

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