MoU between Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant & SMKN 2 Kebumen

by Co-Director - 18 December 2024

We are pleased to announce that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant and one of CoE’s SMKs located in Jawa Tengah, SMKN 2 Kebumen. The MoU will strengthen collaboration between industry and vocational school in the employment and improving soft & hard skills.

This collaboration will provide students and teachers from SMKN 2 Kebumen with job opportunities, soft skills training through workshop provided by experts from SE, student internship that will be offered starting the August.

CoE EARE would like to appreciate all colleagues Rudy GRANET, Juni Wulandari, siti nurmazidah, Heru Syahirul Alim, Maringan Cipto Budi Handoyo & sumarno lv for their commitment in strengthening the collaboration.

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