New Industrial Automation Training Batch for SMK

by Co-Director - 17 December 2024

The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy has started the training of 8 teachers from 8 vocational high schools (SMK) in Industrial Automation. The trainees have participated in this training for about 6 weeks training course from August to September 2022.

We are pleased to welcome Analeila Devira Lorenzi, a new assistant at CoE EARE. In her second week on the job, she did a translation during the presentation process.

On the other hand, the Co-Director Mr. Manuel AZIBI presented the CoE EARE project and the French education system. He also demonstrated the projects with Virtual Reality for learning. These learning innovations, which aim to help SMK teachers to use the Schneider Electric equipment received in their schools, awakening a lot of interest from the trainees.

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by Co-Director
17 December 2024

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by Co-Director
18 December 2024

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by Co-Director
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