Kunjungan Siswa SMK Islam Kawalu Tasikmalaya ke CoE EARE

by Co-Director - 26 November 2021
Pada hari Selasa, 23 November 2021, kami menerima siswa-siswi Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan dari SMK Islam Kawalu Tasikmalaya didampingi guru-gurunya untuk berkunjung ke tempat kami. Tujuan dari kunjungan ini adalah untuk melihat beberapa departemen BMTI dan salah satunya adalah CoE. Pak Azibi menyambut rombongan dan menunjukkan kepada mereka ruang pelatihan dan peralatan ajar yanga ada. Beliau dan Master Trainer kami juga menjelaskan beberapa fasilitas dan bagaimana pelatihan dilakukan di lembaga ini. Para peserta tur sangat antusias dalam kunjungan ini.

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Kementerian Pendidikan Berkolaborasi dengan Schneider Electric dalam Membangun Pusat Keunggulan

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Visit to Schneider Electric Indonesia headquarters in Jakarta

On 8 November 2022, our co-director, Mr. Manuel AZIBI, had the honour to meet with Mr. Chris Avrain, Business Development Director of Industrial Supply of Schneider Electric East Asia Japan and Mrs. Aswita W. Saragih, Business Development of Education of Schneider Electric Indonesia at Schneider Electric Indonesia headquarters in Jakarta. The objective of the visit was to discuss the contribution of software in education, as well as the important role of simulation in learning. The work already done with SENAR and XR OA, paves the way to new challenges for the CoE, especially with industrial supervision and expert automation software from AVEVA. Thank you for the interesting discussion. We are looking forward to our future collaboration!

by Co-Director
17 December 2024

French Intern at CoE EARE for EnergyLab Project

The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy is pleased to welcome Mame Diarra THIAM, a French engineering student from INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon for 6 (six) months internship from February to early August 2023 for the EnergyLab project. EnergyLab is an advance software of XR Operator Advisor that allows us to manipulate Schneider Electric equipment with Augmented Reality technology. The idea of the project is to guide vocational school (SMK) teachers and students to use the Schneider Electric equipment received in their school. With the help of the intern, we would like to model the Electrical Installation, Industrial Automation and Renewable Energy equipment using EnergyLab. By using this application, we can elaborate a teaching scenario for SMK teachers on how to use the equipment for learning. In her first week of work, she participated in a SENAR application test at SMKN 1 Plered and introduced herself in front of the participants of training.

by Co-Director
17 December 2024