Electrical Installation Training Batch 1 in 2022 for SMK teachers

by Co-Director - 8 June 2022

Following the Celebration of 125 equipped SMK, the Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy continues to conduct training for 15 vocational high school (SMK) teachers in Electrical Installation. The trainees are undergoing 6 weeks of training from June 2 to July 6, 2022. The Co-Director and Technical Expert from France Éducation International (FEI), Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale et de la Jeunesse (MENJ), Mr. Manuel AZIBI presented the CoE EARE project and the French educational system. On this occasion, we showed the SENAR project with Virtual Reality for learning and the first work of EcoStruxure XR Operator Advisor with Augmented Reality that our intern, Cédric Hénon did. These learning innovations which are still in development phase aim to help teachers to use the Schneider Electric equipment received in their schools.

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MoU between Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant & SMKN 2 Kebumen

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EcoStruxure XR Operator Advisor for Solar Home System learning

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