GFA Consulting Group yang didelegasikan oleh Kedubes Swiss diterima oleh Bapak Tubagus selaku Kepala Departemen Ketenagalistrikan BBPMPPV BMTI dan tim beserta Bapak Manuel selaku Co-director CoE EARE untuk kunjungan tanggal 16 Desember 2021
The Centre of Excellence Receives a Visit from Government of Philippines It was an honor for The Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy received a visit from the Government of Philippines, Department of Science & Technology Region XI at Cimahi. This visit was supervised by Mr. Tubagus Kurniawan as the Head of Electrical Department at BBPPMPV BMTI Kemdikbud. During this visit, we had an opportunity to showed all Schneider Electric equipment and also explained the utility of the equipments. The presentation followed by a discussion regarding the differences of developments in Indonesia and Phillippines. Thank you for the interesting discussion. We are looking forward to our future collaboration!
Pada hari Jumat tanggal 18 Februari 2022, Schneider Electric Indonesia mengundang tim dari Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia untuk berkunjung ke Pusat Keunggulan Bidang Listrik, Otomasi dan Energi Terbarukan di Cimahi.