Student Intern at CoE EARE for translation job

by Co-Director - 18 December 2024

Centre of Excellence for Electricity, Automation and Renewable Energy has the pleasure to announce that we welcome two new interns from the French Literature Department of Universitas Padjadjaran as the two parties developed an alliance through this internship program.

As a result to this partnership, we provide an offer for French Literature students from Unpad to work in a professional environment where they could perform their French language skill in supporting CoE EARE to achieve our goals and participating in amelioration of vocational students skill regarding electrical engineering.

From September to December 2023, the two mentioned interns, Theresia Melanie and Gregorius Dhanu Dewa Wiceca Dhanu will be responsible for learning modules translations from French into Bahasa Indonesia which are prepared by French experts from Schneider for SMK’ teachers and our numerous partners. It is to be hoped that CoE will not only appear in assisting vocational schools, but also all the related universities under Kemendikbud Indonesia.

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by Co-Director
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by Co-Director
18 December 2024