Workshop on “Curriculum Adaptation and Industrial Work Culture for Student Competency Improvement” by Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant

by Co-Director - 18 December 2024

On August, Schneider Electric Cikarang Plant held a workshop on “Curriculum Adaptation and Industrial Work Culture for Student Competency Improvement” at SMKN 1 Cikarang Selatan, one of CoE’s SMK in automation field.

This workshop aims to harmonize approaches to work-based learning in the vocational school. Through this workshop, the students will be able to know the work environnement and some skills needed in industry.

This type of initiative is highly complementary to our CoE EARE training initiatives.

CoE EARE would like to appreciate your help in facilitating this insightful workshop Rudy GRANET, Juni Wulandari, siti nurmazidah, Heru Syahirul Alim, sumarno lv & Maringan Cipto Budi Handoyo

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